Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wow! The End of the World as We Know IT!!!

Wow! I have been watching/listening etc to all this crazy stock market business and tonight while I listened to President Bush talk, it occurred to me- that just like 9/11 this is one of those BIG time history moments. It is unbelievable how much greed there is in the world. I am so glad I had a Dad and Mom that taught me that there is more to life than money. I see busy working parents everyday that can't put down their cell phone or blackberry to spend one minute with their child, or have to rush home during a planned family vacation to attend to a client's needs. People need to stop feeding the need for big cars and big houses. As my kids sleep- all I can think is that they have no idea what is going on right now- Molly just wants 50 cents for ice cream tomorrow and Finn is thinking about what he is going to wear for purple day on Friday. So with the local flood (it smells like dead fish everywhere!) and the financial crisis looming, what do we do in Munster.... we dance!! Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Flood of 2008

Munster is now an island thanks to the flood. I think it has flooded around here about 5 times since we have moved in, but this is the worst. The water is about a block away from our house. School has been canceled for two days now. Molly is so happy- she already understands the joy of "no school" days. Just like the blizzard of 1979- Scott, Jill, and I played in the snow for days without a care in the world. I didn't run the race on Sunday- the water kept me home, but I did run 12 miles that afternoon. Nothing stops my marathon training, not even a silly flood. Mike said- "I'm glad to see that the storm of the century happens about once a month around here." Stay Dry!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

This is Why I am not a Political Pundit

After waiting and waiting for the call that it was my turn to run for public office, I gave up and took the kids downtown today. It was raining so the trip to the zoo was canceled and we settled for the Children's Museum. This was convenient because Mommy had to pick up her race packet for the Banco Half Marathon on Sunday. The kids were very good while Mom tried on a couple running skirts. Yes, running skirt. They are the in thing now and so I thought I would maybe give it a try, but it just didn't fit me as well as the models. Oh well. While cleaning the house this evening (yes, Mike is not the only one who cleans around here), I was thinking... that if I did get the call to run for office (VP, President, whatever) it would be so nice because I am sure they would use some of those campaign funds to get me a housekeeper and a nanny so I could be available for all those press interviews. These are the things I ponder at night. If I was Jimmy I would be thinking about cars, Dad cars, Danny sports, Jill the Cubs, Mike the Sox, you get the picture. I better get to real night time dreaming now, because I have a race in the morning. While you slugs are lying in bed I will be running 13 miles in the rain. - One more thing- the picture for this post, is the kids pretending to be Daddy reading the paper. Priceless.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Thomas for VP

Hello- As you can see, last weekend, we went to "Day Out with Thomas". Aunt Jill came for the fun too. It was a long drive but a lot of fun!! Today we went to the Indiana Dunes Beach with Aunt Jill. It was a beautiful sunny day. Thanks Aunt Jill for the Twinkies (Finn's new favorite food). I just want to share a few predictions for this coming week- #1- Molly will be "brave" for Dad going to Kdg but cry when Mommy takes her on Friday. #2- Finn starts school on Wednesday, and will have no problems. And this is the big one- just remember you heard it here first... #3- Sarah Palin will step down as McCain's VP pick. She just has too much baggage. I do kind of wish she would stay because I think it will make it easier for Obama to win if she is around. Oh well- it should end up being an interesting week. Enjoy!