The election is over- so now we can all relax and enjoy some turkey. Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends and family.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
The election is over- so now we can all relax and enjoy some turkey. Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends and family.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
White guy with Oprah
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Change has Come to America!!
Mike called the election officially at 9:20pm for Obama. Yes, Mike beat everyone- CNN, MSNBC, etc. I watched Obama's acceptance speech- and Mike fell asleep on the couch. Did you see Jesse Jackson crying?? At first I thought it was all fake tears- and then I realized he was really crying!! Wow!! Then it just got all uncomfortable, because the cameras were still on him and the people around him seemed to be ignoring his crying. Weird. Enough about Jesse. Who was that White guy in front of Jesse and then later in front of Oprah- she even had her head on his shoulder. Must be someone rich- if anyone knows (Jill??) please let me know. Obama is now our next president-- Finn and I dropped off cookies for Obama at his "office", which really must have secured the win for him. His speech in Wicker park was historic- I will have to post video from it later. Thanks to everyone for voting- Mike stood over 2 hrs in line to early vote- Finn and I only had to wait 20 mins. As I type this, it looks like Obama may win Indiana by 14,000 votes- if so that is a feat that has not happened here in over 40 years. Must be the Cookies!! Or my yard sign!! OR my bumper stickers?? OR car magnet?? Or Obama buttons on my coat?? Or just that finally Indiana woke up and got a clue!! Ha! Goodnight from a New Blue state!!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I'm Voting for "THAT ONE"!!
There is not a liberal America and a conservative America - there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and latino America and asian America - there's the United States of America. Yes. We. Can. Vote Nov. 4th.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Wow! The End of the World as We Know IT!!!
Wow! I have been watching/listening etc to all this crazy stock market business and tonight while I listened to President Bush talk, it occurred to me- that just like 9/11 this is one of those BIG time history moments. It is unbelievable how much greed there is in the world. I am so glad I had a Dad and Mom that taught me that there is more to life than money. I see busy working parents everyday that can't put down their cell phone or blackberry to spend one minute with their child, or have to rush home during a planned family vacation to attend to a client's needs. People need to stop feeding the need for big cars and big houses. As my kids sleep- all I can think is that they have no idea what is going on right now- Molly just wants 50 cents for ice cream tomorrow and Finn is thinking about what he is going to wear for purple day on Friday. So with the local flood (it smells like dead fish everywhere!) and the financial crisis looming, what do we do in Munster.... we dance!! Enjoy!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Flood of 2008
Munster is now an island thanks to the flood. I think it has flooded around here about 5 times since we have moved in, but this is the worst. The water is about a block away from our house. School has been canceled for two days now. Molly is so happy- she already understands the joy of "no school" days. Just like the blizzard of 1979- Scott, Jill, and I played in the snow for days without a care in the world. I didn't run the race on Sunday- the water kept me home, but I did run 12 miles that afternoon. Nothing stops my marathon training, not even a silly flood. Mike said- "I'm glad to see that the storm of the century happens about once a month around here." Stay Dry!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
This is Why I am not a Political Pundit
Monday, September 1, 2008
Thomas for VP
Hello- As you can see, last weekend, we went to "Day Out with Thomas". Aunt Jill came for the fun too. It was a long drive but a lot of fun!! Today we went to the Indiana Dunes Beach with Aunt Jill. It was a beautiful sunny day. Thanks Aunt Jill for the Twinkies (Finn's new favorite food). I just want to share a few predictions for this coming week- #1- Molly will be "brave" for Dad going to Kdg but cry when Mommy takes her on Friday. #2- Finn starts school on Wednesday, and will have no problems. And this is the big one- just remember you heard it here first... #3- Sarah Palin will step down as McCain's VP pick. She just has too much baggage. I do kind of wish she would stay because I think it will make it easier for Obama to win if she is around. Oh well- it should end up being an interesting week. Enjoy!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Another Tornado
Since I am updating the Blog- I thought I would share this pic of the kids playing in the front yard while the electric truck from Pennsylvania fixed the power. The tornado was about three weeks ago, and hit about 2 miles from our house. We were out of power for three days. Thanks to Mike and our generator we were able to keep the frig running. When the power did finally come back on, I went crazy cleaning the house. It is amazing how much dirt you do not see when there are no lights on at night.
Starting School
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Running Away!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Buzz, Buzz!!
So I was cutting flowers in my garden, very Martha Stewart, when a bug buzzed very close to my ear. Mike had just sprayed a wasp nest nearby so I was thinking it might be one of the wasps seeking revenge. So I screamed and waved my right arm up towards my ear. However, I forgot that I had a pair of scissors in my hand and nailed myself in the face/eye area. It really hurt and I have two puncture wounds right by my eye to show for my Three Stooges moment. Ugh! To make you forget about my near blinding injury I have posted some pics of the kids hanging out by the pool.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Another Video
This video was done around Finn's birthday- he thinks it is funny to sing the ABCs fast. Don't you agree??
Friday, July 11, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
4th of July
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
It's Hot Outside!
It's a hot day here in Indiana!! We just got back from the Splash Pad and we are cooling off in our house. Finn's birthday is on Saturday. Basically his whole birthday is revolving around the Wall-e movie that is being released tomorrow. He talks about Wall-e everyday!! Everyday!!! Because of the heat- here are some pictures of us playing in the snow. Hope this cools you off.
Friday, June 13, 2008
We went to Alyssa's Quinceanera party last weekend. It was fun- like a very fancy kid's birthday party/wedding. They did a lot of traditional Mexican stuff- changing her shoes from flats to high heels, giving her her last toy (a doll), and crowning her. Right before we left to go- Munster was hit with a tornado. Thankfully it headed towards the lake and not our house.
Friday, June 6, 2008
New Job for Aunt Jill
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Just Trying this Blog thing Out
Hello- I just thought it would be fun to blog like the rest of the world. Hopefully, this will be a nice way for pink daisy's family and friends to look at photos of the kids, especially when you are bored at work. Right now the kids are really into Fireman Sam. It is a show from Wales. It is mostly about a small town in Wales and this one bad kid in town who is always needing the firemen to help him and his lamb!! We saw Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull last weekend. Finn told me- "Thanks mommy for covering my eyes." He also said he didn't like the ant part, but yet they both like to pretend that the ants are after them. Aunt Jill is moving this weekend- we are very excited about seeing her new room at the YWCA. Ha! Just joking. Take care and have a fabulous weekend.